Butt Aesthetics

Butt Aesthetics

A full, upright and rounded butt meets today's attractive butt .

While your hips may be structurally flat and collapsed, your hips may lose steepness and fullness with advancing age or as a result of frequent weight gain. Whatever your reason, if you are not satisfied with the appearance of your butt, butt aesthetics may be a suitable option for you. If your body structure is appropriate, the fat from your other parts can be injected into the required parts of your butt. Some of the injected oil will dissolve over time, but oil deformation is an effective method when deformation is low.

Another method that can be used is the application of silicone butt prosthesis if your deformation and depression is severe or if there is not enough fat in your body . Prostheses will be made from grooves close to the inside of your hips , so there are no marks on the visible areas. 
In cases where the deformation is more severe and the butt should be surgically suspended , the operation becomes more comprehensive and complex.You have scars on the top of your buttocks below the bikini line.

Fat injection and silicone prosthesis surgery will be able to do your daily tasks in 7 days on average. We recommend using a corset for 2-3 weeks.Surgical suspension procedures take a little longer to recover, but you can return to your daily life in 10-14 days.


All operations performed with ZNZ Hair Center are under our guarantee.
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